put an end to the never ending diet rollercoaster…...
Learn how to love your body, change your mind & build sustainable habits to support your health!
Join hundreds of women inside my science-backed programs and start healing your relationship with food and exercise, develop long-lasting behaviors that fit your life and finally LOVE the skin you’re in.
I understand how frustrating and discouraging it can be to constantly battle against your body (I’ve been there).
Over the past 4 years I have made it my life's mission to empower women with the tools, skills, & support they need in order to reclaim ownership of their health & rebuild their relationship with their body…and we have helped HUNDREDS of women do just that.
Inside my programs I provide you a step by step, evidence based roadmap to break free from the constraints of diet culture, improve your health, and create long lasting behavior change that is built on love, care, and respect for your body.

mind & body essentials
The 4-week intro course for women looking to kickstart their journey to long term health, body confidence, & freedom without restriction or overwhelm.
mind & body academy
Our 10-week continuation course to build on the essentials and implement what you’ve learned. MBA walks you through the process of learning how to truly SUPPORT your body, change your behavior patterns, & be kind to your mind. MBA is highly transformative & fully supported every step of the way!

mind & body academy bundle
The Mind & Body Academy Bundle is a deeply supportive, 14-week guided program to help you understand the science-backed evidence of behavior change, make consistent and sustainable healthy shifts in your habits and care for your body with love instead of punishment.
Love your body. Wear something FUN!
A vibrant collection featuring body positive designs and empowering messages to spread self-love and confidence.

download my free handbook 🪩
The step-by-step guide to creating powerful habits & routines that actually stick + BONUS weekly habit tracker!